Date Thu, May 19, 2022


Currently, the programmer is one of the most needed jobs by many institutions and companies, given that most operating systems in different computers, whether they are operating machines, educational programs, or others, depend on pre-programming.

Learning programming languages ​​has become essential in our daily lives, due to the significant interference of technology in everything around us inside and outside the home. For example, all home appliances that turn on and off without our intervention have been pre-programmed.

The same applies abroad to all devices and machines used on the streets, such as bank ATMs. They also operate according to a previously created program to provide the citizen with a service that allows him to easily obtain his money whenever he wants through a personal card.

Therefore, we can say that our societies are no longer devoid of programming in all aspects of our lives, and therefore it was necessary to point out the importance of learning programming at the present time because of its necessity in all fields and specializations.

About Programming

Programming is the process of formulating commands that the programmer performs in order to then direct them to the computer to execute them according to the order, time, and conditions specified by him. For example, opening the program by double-clicking on it, displaying an image when moving the mouse, and also closing the program by clicking Exit.

The programming process is based on the rules of the language that the programmer chooses. Programming languages ​​in the modern era are numerous, including the Basic language, the C language, the Java language, the Python language, and other languages ​​that have appeared and new languages ​​are still appearing to this day.

Each programming language has characteristics that distinguish it from others, and there are some characteristics that are common to all languages. The first programming language was created in the 1940s, when the programming language included only two symbols (1,0), because the computer could only handle the two operations of the presence or absence of current.

Then other languages ​​were created to deal with computers after the invention of the transistor in order to reduce the size of the computer, and the languages ​​used to communicate with it and issue commands to it by programmers increased.

Learn programming from a young age

Learning programming from a young age has become one of the most important features of the modern era, especially for children who spend most of their time on mobile phones such as iPads and tablets, especially to play video games and other educational games.

Therefore, many specialists prefer to exploit children's free time and invest it better in learning programming through some programs that are downloaded onto the child's device, and playing with them, but with the benefit of that in learning the basics of programming in the form of miniature models, pictures and educational games.

Learning programming from a young age requires quick attention from parents to teach their children this skill that will undoubtedly benefit them in the future on both a personal and professional level. Programming also contributes to developing the creative and innovative thinking aspect in the child, given what he is accustomed to learning to create programs and how to issue commands to implement them.

Programming at a young age is like engraving on stone.

Therefore, it is clear from the above that learning programming at a young age is like engraving on stone, as establishing the foundations of programming in the child’s mind from an early age contributes greatly to his future excellence in terms of academic and practical levels, as the skills of learning programming languages ​​that the child acquires in his early stages become an integral part. From his future consciousness.

Many specialists consider programming at a young age to be like engraving on stone, compared to learning it at an older age, due to the child’s broad comprehension away from the psychological pressures or responsibilities required of him as is the case with adults, in addition to the fact that the child’s mind in its early stages is like a blank page that records all information and data; to then form links between them that contribute to creating and innovating new programs.

Learning the basics of programming at a young age makes a child able to understand his reality, distinguish between facts and their simulations, in addition to realizing that what he sees in smartphones and electronic devices, such as games and cartoons, is nothing but a simulation of reality, and is nothing but a development in modern technology, which makes him capable of accepting development in the future without excessive amazement or lack of understanding of what he sees.

Reasons to learn programming from a young age

Many specialists attribute the reasons for learning programming from a young age to the utmost importance that the child gains after understanding the basics of programming and knowing its different languages, which contributes to shaping many aspects of his personality in the future, in addition to the practical and material benefits that come to him after that.

Many experts also emphasize the importance of a child learning programming languages ​​at the age of five or six, as this is when the child begins to understand things, distinguish between things, and understand commands. The reasons for learning programming from a young age can be presented, and the widespread call for it in the previous years refers to the great benefits that the child obtains, represented in:

- Teaching the child logical thinking, which he acquires by constructing data in a specific way and order to reach a specific goal.

- The child knows the reasons for anything happening around him by researching the matter, refuting it, and following up with anticipation; to reach the main reason for this happening.

- The child’s ability to solve problems, by searching for a hypothesis that can contribute to solving the problem, as in designing programs.

- Developing creative thinking in the child by creating unfamiliar ideas, applying them practically to his reality, and obtaining the desired results from them.

- Teaching the child to insist on achieving the goal through patience, reconsidering the arrangement of matters and data, as well as trying again to reach the desired goal.

- Ensuring the child’s practical and material future, as programming has become involved in all aspects of life, and thus it is the basis of what we will achieve in the future in terms of modern sciences and technology.

The importance of teaching programming to children in

Learning programming from a young age contributes to the child gaining self-confidence in choosing goals and making the right decisions, based on what he learns in programming by choosing the command and what follows it within the program designed by him.

Programming also helps the child to know the priorities and organize them in the correct way, so that he arranges things in an organized order based on logical foundations, and also puts each matter in its place, which is what he acquires from programming while arranging the commands issued to the computer, as well as putting the command in its appropriate place within the program.

Therefore, our website,, attaches great importance to teaching children programming through its training courses, which have been divided to serve the needs of all parents, as well as the different orientations of children. Our programming courses are divided into six sections as follows:

- YouTube Creator Course:

In it, the child learns how to create a video and publish it on YouTube, while teaching him the most important thing, which is to create purposeful content through which he can bring the most benefits to viewers, as well as views and spread as an effective video of importance in society.

- Robotics Design Course:

It is one of the most popular courses among families, due to the fact that the robot represents an indication of the child’s intelligence. In it, the child learns how to program the robot, prepare it to work automatically, and execute the commands required of it, while understanding the causes of malfunctions and problems that it faces in programming it.

- Application development course:

It is a specialized course in teaching the basics of programming, dealing with and understanding codes, to be used later in various application and game programs.

- Scratch course for kids:

It is one of the most important introductory courses in the world of programming, as the Scratch program is one of the most important foundational programs in programming, which teaches the child how to create games and animations, and place audio clips on them.

- Animation course:

This course helps the child learn how to design animation, which contributes to making him able to create cartoon stories himself in the future.

- Python course for children:

It is one of the most important and widely used programming language courses, which qualifies the child to program and develop games in a different way.

Indeed, it is clear that learning programming at a young age is like engraving on stone, which should be optimally exploited by parents, in addition to the importance it brings to shaping the child’s personality, way of thinking and intelligence, which are among the most important foundations that we must lay for the child in order to guarantee him a bright future, practically and financially.

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